Chinese Almond Cookies

Chinese Almond Cookies
Recipe from The Sweet Spot by Pichet Ong and Genevieve Ko
Notes: I haven't had a good almond cookie in a really long time, and I thought it would be fitting to make some for Chinese New Year (week). In place of almond flour, I used ground almonds; the dough was refrigerated for the minimum time. With a small scoop, I was able to get 6 dozen cookies out of this recipe. I preferred baking them for a longer time to get a deeper colour on top, but this made the cookie a little hard. Some trays that were lighter coloured had a slightly chewier texture, so experiment until you find the texture you like. In a nod to Valentine's Day, I used sliced almonds arranged in a heart shape on top, rather than a × made with slivered almonds. These are buttery, almondy and crumbly, a wonderful snack.

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