Salted Caramel Ganache Chocolates: Step by Step
For a tenure party Dr. S’ friend was celebrating, I decided to make the caramel ganache chocolates from Peter Greweling’s Chocolate and Confections
Ganache Filling in Confectionary Frame
After reading about homemade confectionary frames, I’ve been hunting around to make my own. My coworker’s brother is a machinist and he kindly made me some ½” stainless steel bars cut to 12” lengths. I placed them on a Silpat so that the rectangle was 9×8” which is half of Greweling’s 12×12” recipe. To the ganache mixture, I added 1 tsp of fleur de sel. Due to time constraints, I was able to let it set up over 2 days.
Adding the Foot
I added a foot from milk chocolate. A few minutes in the freezer helped this to set.
Cutting into Pieces
Cutting the pieces was quite easy. At a cool room temperature, the chocolate didn’t stick to the knife very much.
Dipping the Centres
The centres are easier to dip if you drop them so that the foot is face up. This way, you can use the fork to dunk and flip them, right onto the fork. A few gentle swipes on the edge of a silicone spatula and the chocolate is ready to be decorated.
Final Decoration
This recipe made 70+ chocolates. I applied transfer sheets to some of them, and piped three dots of dark chocolate for the others as Greweling suggests. While these were quite delicious, with a nice salty taste combined with the chocolate, I felt the caramel flavour was a little lacking. These are still my go-to salted caramel chocolates.
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