Notes: A case of Sharon fruit purchased at T&T led me to look for persimmon recipes. There were remarkably few options in my library of cookbooks, but I did remember reading an article by Harold McGee about pH and its effect on a pudding he came up with. I set out to try it this morning. The whole thing did not take long to put together, but my pudding required the full 2 hours of steaming to achieve a firm consistency. I was surprised by how dark the baking soda layer got. Not only is the pudding two-tone, it is two-flavour as well. The saffron layer was quite strong, and more than one of my tasters remarked that they couldn't really detect the persimmon flavour. I would cut back even more on the sugar, perhaps reducing it to 1 cup. A tasty dessert, of a kind that I rarely make, but one that I would make again. In future, I would make it in tall ramekins for a nice individual presentation and faster cooking time.
Two-Tone Persimmon Pudding
Notes: A case of Sharon fruit purchased at T&T led me to look for persimmon recipes. There were remarkably few options in my library of cookbooks, but I did remember reading an article by Harold McGee about pH and its effect on a pudding he came up with. I set out to try it this morning. The whole thing did not take long to put together, but my pudding required the full 2 hours of steaming to achieve a firm consistency. I was surprised by how dark the baking soda layer got. Not only is the pudding two-tone, it is two-flavour as well. The saffron layer was quite strong, and more than one of my tasters remarked that they couldn't really detect the persimmon flavour. I would cut back even more on the sugar, perhaps reducing it to 1 cup. A tasty dessert, of a kind that I rarely make, but one that I would make again. In future, I would make it in tall ramekins for a nice individual presentation and faster cooking time.
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