Raspberry Hazelnut Squares

Raspberry Hazelnut Squares
Recipe based on Apricot Hazelnut Squares in The Essence of Chocolate by John Scharffenberger and Robert Steinberg
Notes: A bulging bag of hazelnuts was the inspiration to look for hazelnut recipes, and I knew this was a recipe I wanted to try as I also had a forlorn package of cocoa nibs and an abundance of jams. I decided to use the jar of raspberry jam from Harvest Song that someone gave us at our housewarming, as linzertorte (which this cookie is reminiscent of) often uses this flavour combination. I began by grinding the cocoa nibs in a clean coffee grinder, while the hazelnuts toasted in a toaster oven. After skinning them, I turned them into powder in a food processor. The dough is quite soft and pliable but it does stick together if you knead it a bit by hand. Rolling it out between two sheets of wax paper was pretty simple and the butter and hazelnut oil helped to keep it from sticking. I was able to fit almost 50 squares from this dough on a full sheet pan. The next morning, I sandwiched them with a teaspoon of jam, then dipped them in chocolate. These were fantastic: the cookie is soft and crumbly with nice hazelnut flavour, and the contrast between no-sugar jam and bittersweet chocolate is perfect.


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