Transitional Multigrain Hearth Bread

Transitional Multigrain Hearth Bread
Transitional Multigrain Hearth Bread
Recipe from Peter Reinhart's Whole Grain Breads

Notes: In the soaker for this bread, I used blue cornmeal, a little kamut flour, some golden flaxseeds ground in a suribachi plus a few other whole grains as specified in the recipe. Both the soaker and the biga went into the fridge for several days. I omitted sesame seeds from the final dough, but did use toasted pumpkin and sunflower seeds. To get a nice crisp bottom crust, I placed the risen loaf on a preheated pizza stone in my regular oven. Despite following all these tips for making a complex, delicious whole-grain bread, I didn't like this one. It had that “healthy” mouth-feel, too coarse and crumbly. I used it for sandwiches and as breakfast toast, but didn't really enjoy it.

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