Notes: This bread came about, because of, what else? Leftover sweet potatoes! Since I'm writing this almost a month later, a lot of the details are fuzzy. It's a lengthy recipe involving a sponge, followed by two rises, then a final proofing after shaping. I remember not enjoying the smell of the low-fat milk powder that I used. I'd use regular milk and adjust the water accordingly next time. The best thing about this bread is its pale orange colour and the wonderful texture I got. Not worth the effort.
Sweet Potato Loaf
Notes: This bread came about, because of, what else? Leftover sweet potatoes! Since I'm writing this almost a month later, a lot of the details are fuzzy. It's a lengthy recipe involving a sponge, followed by two rises, then a final proofing after shaping. I remember not enjoying the smell of the low-fat milk powder that I used. I'd use regular milk and adjust the water accordingly next time. The best thing about this bread is its pale orange colour and the wonderful texture I got. Not worth the effort.
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