Vanilla-Bean Churros

Vanilla-Bean Churros
Vanilla-Bean Churros
Recipe from In the Sweet Kitchen by Regan Daley
Notes: For Hanukkah this year, we didn't host our own party like last year, but we were invited to two others. At the first one, a party for kids, Dr. S was in charge of crafts and I was in charge of deep-frying the churros! I used the same recipe and made a double batch, using scraped vanilla beans instead of lemon zest and star anise. I add the beans to the water and butter on the stove, and removed it before adding the flour.

I remember that last year's churros were crispier and too small, so I used my largest star tip (Ateco 854) this time. These don't take too long to fry at all so watch them carefully. They definitely need a sprinkling of powdered or granulated sugar, as the batter isn't sweetened. For the very last batch, I tried piping rosettes onto a plate then sliding them into the hot oil. This worked pretty well too.

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