Tahini Apple Tart
This recipe was one of those, that from the title alone, I knew I wanted to make. Combining two flavours that I’ve never tried together is sure to pique my interest. And, this apple tart with tahini did not disappoint.
NYT Cooking is the source of the recipe. The dough is a basic pie dough made by hand using the fraisage technique. I did it during lunch, and left it to chill while I went back to work.
Dr. S helped me to make the spread, a sort of sesame frangipane. Make sure all your ingredients are at room temperature so that they blend together easily. For the filling, I used a mix of Honeycrisp and Cortland apples that we picked on the weekend at a local orchard.
My wife and I loved this tart: the deeply browned pie dough was flaky and crisp on the bottom and edges, the apples were seasoned subtly with cardamom, and the filling was a little bittersweet. Neither of my children liked it very much. My only improvement would be to increase the amount of apples slightly. But as written, this makes a really wonderful dessert, best eaten the day it’s made.
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